Braintree Historical Society

The Braintree Historical Society wishes everyone a Happy New Year!

31 Tenney Road, Braintree MA  02184.
We are open with research support Thursday mornings from 9:30-Noon. 

Rental Available

The Historical Society Barn at 31 Tenney Road is a fantastic space for event rental for groups of 50 or less. Please email us at: for more info.

Upcoming Events

The Braintree Historical Society is happy to announce that we have a great lineup of speakers and events for 2025:

Colonial Cooking event at the Thayer House on Sunday, February 16, 2025 from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Please join us on May 4, 2025 for a Mother's Day tea at Braintree Town Hall. The time is 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM and the cost is $30 per person.

We also have John Dennehy speaking on Braintree after World War II in April and Christian Vanderslice will be the speaker at the Society's annual meeting in May!

Recent Events

 On February 4, 2025, The Braintree Historical Society sponsored an inspiring talk by Michael Pelletier, a teacher of history in the Social Studies Department of Braintree High School, on Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation at the Thayer Public Library.

Braintree Historical Society

Corporate and Fraternal Members

New members or renewals for 2024 - 2025


Partnership - $1,000 and above

Braintree Rotary Club

Knights of Columbus

President's Circle - $500

Blue Hill Cemetery

Williams Energy

Executive - $250

Foley's Ice Cream Shoppe

Carl Johnson Law Office

Corporate - $100

American Legion Post 86

Braintree Chiropractic

Braintree Rug Company

Century 21 Marella Realty

Glow Beauty Boutique

Herbst Law Group

King Optical

Liberty Painting

Recent Events

The Braintree High History Club visited the Historical Society campus on December 9, 2024 and received a tour of the Thayer House (picture below) . The students were also given a tour of the Barn and Resource Center and saw examples of items from some of our collections

The 2024 Historical Society Holiday Event was held on December 7 with crafts and music from members of the Braintree High band. The Christmas tree was decorated too! Pictures are below:

Mary Frazier of the Historical Society gave a talk "From Battlefields to Bookshelves" exploring the life and legacy of General Sylvanus Thayer that was both informative and entertaining at the Logan Auditorium of Thayer Public Library on September 19, 2024

Click here for our November 2024 Newsletter:  Newsletter Nov 2024.pdf

Heritage Day 2024 Pictures Are Scrolling Below

Heritage Day September 22, 2024 was a great event! Scrolling above are some of the pictures from the event

Below are more pictures of the reenactors at Heritage Day 2024:

New Exhibit at our 31 Tenney Road Building

The General Sylvanus Thayer Exhibit is now available for viewing at the Barn and Resource Center at 31 Tenney Road. The exhibit displays items and information from the exceptional life of Sylvanus Thayer (often known as "The Father of West Point"). The exhibit will be open every Thursday from 9:30 AM until noontime. The exhibit will also be open at least one Saturday per month. The next Saturday opening date for the Exhibit will be announced soon.

The Society's book signing event on June 22,2024 was enjoyed by all who attended. We thank author Tracy Sierra for helping the Society with much needed fundraising. For anyone who was not able to attend on the 22nd, we have several signed copies of Tracy's highly praised novel NIGHT WATCHING still available for purchase (see picture of BHS president Steve Leonard with Tracy Sierra below). Please contact or call the Society at 781-848-1640 if you would like to buy a signed book. Great book to read for yourself or give as a gift!

Annual Meeting

The Braintree Historical Society Annual Meeting was held on May 16,2024 at Braintree Town Hall at 6:30 PM with 3 new directors elected and 1 director reappointed. Mayor Joyce attended and addressed the membership. John Donovan gave a talk on Braintree's paths and roads 1600 to present which was extremely well received by over 50 people in attendance. Below is from John's presentation:5 Corners in the 1950s:

Please click on the link below to watch John Donovan's entire presentation on YouTube:

The Society had a meeting at the Thayer Public Library on March 20, 2024 featuring a talk on the relationship between Abigail and John Adams by our Historian, John Dennehy. The talk was extremely well received by the audience of over 50 people. Here are 2 pictures:

On December 16, 2023 the Historical Society had a 250th anniversary event for the Boston Tea Party at the Barn and Resource Center. There was a talk by president Steve Leonard on how Braintree-born John Hancock was connected to the Tea Party. Photo is posted below:

 We are in critical need of funds to help with repairs to our elevators, alarm systems and heat pump for the Resource Center. Donations can be made by check to the society at 31 Tenney Road, Braintree MA 02184.

We are also looking for corporate sponsors to help us reach our Annual Appeal goal. Remember, we are an all-volunteer organization and 100% of dues and donations are used for operating and capital exp


Heritage Day 2023 musket firing (above)

The Gilbert L. Bean Barn and Mary Bean Cunningham Library and Resource Center are Open!

Please stop by during our open hours

Thursday: 9:30AM - Noon

Check Our Facebook for any Updates to Open Hours or Closings

Current Exhibition is under development

Sylvanus Thayer House Video Tours

More Here

What's New at the Library and Resource Center?

Click here to find out!


Braintree High School Social Studies Department Partnership

Braintree Public Schools Programs

CATS Academy Partnership

Thayer Academy Intern Program

BCYC Partnership

Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts Programs

Read more about our involvement in education programs HERE

The Braintree Historical Society is an all-volunteer organization. We are always looking for new volunteers and have many different opportunities for anyone who is interested in Braintree's history. Please click on the link below to our volunteer:


Gilbert L Bean Museum & Mary Bean Cunningham Historical Resource Center

Open Thursday 9:30 AM - Noon

Other Days & Times By Appointment

Tours of The Thayer Birthplace

Days that the Thayer House will be open for tours will be posted here. The next opening date for the Thayer House at 786 Washington Street will be announced soon.

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